The Night Eats The World: VIDEOS
The Night Eats the World (La nuit a dévoré le monde) theatrical trailer
June 10, 2018
- Duration: 01:00
Synopsis for Dominique Rocher's The Night Eats the World (La nuit a dévoré le monde) from the International Film Festival Rotterdam: "A busy party in a Paris townhouse. Sam says goodbye to his ex-girlfriend and then wants to get out as fast as possible - but not without his music collection, which is still in the office. So he decides to wait until things have calmed down. But this poor twenty-something has no chance. When he wakes up the next day and unlocks the door, it turns out all the party guests have been transformed into bloodthirsty zombies. Along with the rest of the French capital, where the last normal people are dying in the streets. Sam is relatively safe indoors. He locks the snappy-jawed undead in their apartments - the rest of the chic building becomes his own private island, crammed with food and survival tools. But how long can he stand the silence and solitude? Whereas Tom Hanks in CAST AWAY had a volleyball, in THE NIGHT EATS THE WORLD Sam starts to talk to a locked-up zombie. Robinson Crusoe in a blood-spattered Paris."
The Night Eats the World (La nuit a dévoré le monde) theatrical trailer
Synopsis for Dominique Rocher's The Night Eats the World (La nuit a dévoré le monde) from the International Film Festival Rotterdam: "A busy party in a Paris townhouse. Sam says goodbye to his ex-girlfriend and then wants to get out as fast as possible - but not without his music...
Submitted by: Mr. Meeseeks
on 10 June 2018
on 10 June 2018