The Spaceman Of Bohemia

The Spaceman Of Bohemia

MavoyMavoy   November 24, 2020  
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The Spaceman Of Bohemia
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Johan Renck
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Latest Adam Sandler Netflix project is an adaptation of Jaroslav Kalfar's 2017 sci-fi novel The Spaceman of Bohemia. It'a a story of an astronaut sent to the edge of the galaxy whose earthly life begins to pieces. He asks the only voice whom he trusts for help - it's a creature from the beginning of time living on his ship. The director Johan Renck worked previously on the series "Chernobyl".

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Is The Spaceman Of Bohemia available online? No. It has yet to be reported as either a pirated torrent or stream.
When will The Spaceman Of Bohemia be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.