The Imaginary

The Imaginary

JuancoJuanco   May 09, 2022  
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The Imaginary

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The Imaginary
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Yoshiyuki Momose
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Rudger is Amanda Shuffleup's imaginary friend. No one else can see Rudiger except Amanda...until Mr. Bunting shows up. Mr. Bunting hunts imaginary beings (some say even to eat them), and now he's after Rudger. Soon Rudger is left alone and will have to fight for his life and find Amanda, before they find him... and Amanda forgets him and disappears. Can an imaginary boy survive in the real world?

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Is The Imaginary available online? No. It has yet to be reported as either a pirated torrent or stream.
When will The Imaginary be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.