The Happytime Murders
The Happytime Murders
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Movie info
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The Happytime Murders
The year the movie is set to be released.
Brian Henson
Cinema release
First cinema release date in any country.
August 24, 2018
Where you watch
“The Happytime Murders” is the first feature film in over two decades from director and puppeteer Brian Henson. In a muppet-like world where puppets co-exist as equals among humans, Phil Phillips is an ex-cop turned private investigator, tracking down a serial killer. He teams up with his former partner Connie Edwards (Melissa McCarthy) to protect the cast of a fictional 1980’s television show, which are targeted by the killer. Phil is distracted by the task of protecting his ex-lover Jenny (Elizabeth Banks) and fails to realize that he’s being framed for the crimes. This film hits theaters at the end of the summer, additional roles portrayed by Maya Rudolph, Joel McHale, Jimmy O. Yang, and Leslie David Baker.
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Download and stream reports
Is The Happytime Murders available online? Yes. Reports of pirated torrents and streams are available below.
When will The Happytime Murders be available on digital platforms like iTunes, Amazon or Apple+? As of now, there's no release date announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray and DVD.
November 19, 2018
The Happytime Murders 2018 1080p Bluray X264-EVO
Video and audio quality: 5/5 | Source: BluRay
Video and audio quality: 5/5 | Source: BluRay
Submitted by: Mavoy | Trust Rank level: Hero member
Format: Torrent | Site: TPB
Early BluRay rip
August 26, 2018
The Happytime Murders 2018 720p HDCAM-1XBET
Video and audio quality: 1/5 | Source: Camera
Video and audio quality: 1/5 | Source: Camera
Submitted by: Ivana 🌿 | Trust Rank level: Supreme Member
Format: Torrent | Site: 1337x
Duration: 1h 17min Resolution: 1072x520 Language: English