The Flamenco Guitar of Yerai Cortés
The Flamenco Guitar of Yerai Cortés
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The Flamenco Guitar of Yerai Cortés
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C. Tangana
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When Antón Álvarez, C.Tangana, meets Yerai Cortés, he is completely fascinated by her talent and intrigued by her family history. Yerai is an unusual figure within flamenco; as respected by the most traditionalist gypsies as by the avant-garde artists of the new wave of which he is a part. They decide to embark on a journey together to record an album in which the songs are marked by great sorrow, where the artistic process itself confronts him with his past and pushes him to explore a family secret through which he tries to redeem his relationship with his parents. The result is a film that develops a unique musical experience to immerse us in a story of passion, love and forgiveness.
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When will The Flamenco Guitar of Yerai Cortés be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.