

AlienAlien   November 23, 2023  
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Kajsa Næss
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October 21, 2022
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Italian aeronautical engineer Umberto Nobile lives a peaceful life with his beloved Titina, a dog he rescued from the streets of Rome. One day he is invited by the famous Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen to accompany him on his next expedition and fly over the North Pole in an aircraft! The unlikely trio Nobile, Titina and Amundsen embark on an adventure, unraveling the mysteries of the only undiscovered place on Earth. Everything goes wonderfully... until the two men start competing for glory and fame.

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Is Titina available online? No. It has yet to be reported as either a pirated torrent or stream.
When will Titina be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.