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Hong Sang-Soo
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One day, Young-ho (Shin Seok-ho) goes to visit his father (Kim Young-ho) at his doctor's office. There she finds him attending to his patients, one of whom is a famous actor. When his girlfriend Ju-won (Park Mi-so) moves to Berlin to continue her studies, Young-ho travels to the German capital to surprise her. Through her mother (Seo Young-hwa), Ju-won has found lodging in the home of an artist whose beauty intimidates her. Some time later, Young-ho goes to have lunch with his mother (Cho Yun-hee) who wants to introduce him to a colleague: he is the same man that Young-ho met at his father's clinic.
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Is Introduction available online? No. It has yet to be reported as either a pirated torrent or stream.
When will Introduction be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.