El Planeta
El Planeta
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El Planeta
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Amalia Ulman
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After the death of his father, Leo abandons his life as a fashion student in London and returns to Gijón, where his mother is about to be evicted. After returning home, the two of them spend lunch selling items online and mortgaging themselves based on lies. Their bad luck does not prevent them from dressing in the best fur coats or buying beautiful shoes (as long as they can return them). His scam is funny, and the bond that unites them in this delicate moment is solidified despite the fact that misfortune always seems to be around the corner.
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Download and stream reports
Is El Planeta available online? Yes. Reports of pirated torrents and streams are available below.
When will El Planeta be available on digital platforms like iTunes, Amazon or Apple+? As of now, there's no release date announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray and DVD.
January 06, 2022
El Planeta .2021.hdrip.720p.subesp
Video and audio quality: 4/5 | Source: Official web stream
Video and audio quality: 4/5 | Source: Official web stream
Submitted by: Mavoy | Trust Rank level: Hero member
Format: Torrent | Site: BTMulu