48 Hrs.
48 Hrs.
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48 Hrs.
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Josh & Benny Safdie
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Unlikely next project from Benny and Josh Safdie, brothers and directors behind critically acclaimed films like "Good Time" and "Uncut Gems" - is a remake of 1982 film starring Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. As explained by the Safdies, the film isn't a straight adaptation, but more inspired by the original film. " We did a few drafts for Paramount and I think the general consensus was “This isn’t a remake. It’s more of a new movie in a weird way. It’s a very cool, original movie. Let’s lean into that.” So we’re leaning into that."
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When will 48 Hrs. be available on digital platforms like iTunes or Amazon? As of now, there's no release data announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray or DVD.