The King's Man

The King's Man

Mr. MeeseeksMr. Meeseeks   February 01, 2018  
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The King's Man

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The King's Man
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Matthew Vaughn
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December 22, 2021
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Directed by Matthew Vaughn, The King’s Man is a movie about war, nobility, and secrets. It is a part of the Kingsman franchise. However, rather than picking up where The Golden Circle left off, this film serves as a prequel and an origin story for the intelligence agency.

The story of The King’s Man is set around the events surrounding World War I as criminal masterminds, megalomaniacs, and tyrants devise new ways to decimate humanity. Conard, a newly hired spy at Kingsman soon finds himself racing against time to stop the criminal masterminds from devising a plan that would threaten the life of millions. The King’s Man boasts an impressive cast that includes Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Charles Dance, Harris Dickinson, Daniel Brühl, and Gemma Arterton among others. The release date of the film was pushed back from February 14, 2020 to September 18, 2020.

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Download and stream reports

Is The King's Man available online? Yes. Reports of pirated torrents and streams are available below.
When will The King's Man be available on digital platforms like iTunes, Amazon or Apple+? As of now, there's no release date announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray and DVD.

February 08, 2022
The Kings Man 2021 1080p WEB-DL DDP5 1 Atmos H 264-EVO
Video and audio quality: 5/5 | Source: Official web stream

Submitted by: Mavoy | Trust Rank level: Hero member
Format: Torrent | Site: 1337x
January 21, 2022
Video and audio quality: 2/5 | Source: Camera with line audio

Submitted by: Osama | Trust Rank level: Standard member
Format: Torrent | Site: Torrentgalaxy
The third CAM version for the movie.. A little bit better than the last two but I would still wait for an even better version..

Videos Add media

The King's Man - Official Trailer 3
The King's Man - Official Trailer 3
The King's Man | Official Trailer 2 [HD]
The King's Man | Official Trailer 2 [HD]
The King's Man | Official Teaser Trailer [HD]
The King's Man | Official Teaser Trailer [HD]