Weathering With You

Weathering With You

JuancoJuanco   March 26, 2019  
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Weathering With You

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Weathering With You
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Makoto Shinkai
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July 19, 2019
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Hotaka Morishima is a high school student who moves to Tokyo to leave behind his life on an isolated island in the world. There he will meet Akina Amano, a girl with the mysterious power to manipulate and control the climate at will. Directed and written by Makoto Shinkai ("Your Name").

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Download and stream reports

Is Weathering With You available online? Yes. Reports of pirated torrents and streams are available below.
When will Weathering With You be available on digital platforms like iTunes, Amazon or Apple+? As of now, there's no release date announced. This includes iTunes, Amazon, Blu-Ray and DVD.

May 26, 2020
Weathering with You.2020.1080p.Bluray.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.X264-EVO
Video and audio quality: 5/5 | Source: BluRay

Submitted by: Mavoy | Trust Rank level: Hero member
Format: Torrent | Site: 1337x
BluRay out! Container = Matroska (mkv) Duration = 01:52:13.852 Filesize = 11 GiB Overall bitrate = 14.4 Mb/s Codec info = AVC High@L4.1 | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Resolution = 1920x1080 AUDiO = AC-3 | A_AC3 Channels = 6 Language = Japanese
April 26, 2020
[HR] Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko) [1080p HEVC][WEBrip] HR-MF
Video and audio quality: 4/5 | Source: Official web stream

Submitted by: Mavoy | Trust Rank level: Hero member
Format: Torrent | Site: 1337x
It's here! It's here! IT'S HERE! The quality is satisfying, it seems a bit washed up, but I think this is how this film actually looks (haven't seen it yet so correct me if I'm wrong). It has English subtitles too.

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Weathering With You [Official Subtitled Trailer, GKIDS]
Weathering With You [Official Subtitled Trailer, G...